This is a collection of links that get added as they come up. Please send me links you think are useful and I will add them.
Table of Contents
- Experiments
- @Yale
- Dark Matter
- Neutrinos
- Antarctica & South Pole
- Detectors
- Computing & Tools
- Statistics
- Students & Postdocs Fellowships & Funding Opportunities
- Career & Professional Development
- On being a Scientist
- Anti-Racist Pedagogy
- On Women in Physics
- Resources for BIPOC Physicists
- Advising & Being Advised
Experiment Homepages
@Yale University
- Physics Department
- Astronomy Department
- Yale Wright Lab - where my lab is located
- Instrumentation at Yale - for detector and hardware enthusiasts!
- Yale Center for Astronomy and Astrophysics
- Yale Faculty Demographics
Dark Matter
- “TASI lectures on dark matter models and direct detection”: good set of introduction to models and direct detection of dark matter by Tongyan Lin
- “WIMP dark matter candidates and searches - current status and future prospects” by Roszkowski, Sessolo, and Trojanowski. A great summary as of 2017.
“School on Dark Matter” at Sao Paulo, June 27 - July 8, 2016. Geared toward graduate students. Look for videos and slides for lectures.
Popular Press
Dark Matter: A Brief Review by Annika H. G. Peter:: Great review of dark matter candidates and the search methods used for each
The Pooltable Analogy to Axion Physics by Pierre Sikivie: A helpful and accessible analogy for understanding the axion’s role in solving the strong CP problem and as a dark matter canditate
A New Era in the Quest for Dark Matter by Gianfranco Bertone and Tim M. P. Tait: A review of the fall of WIMP dark matter candidacy and a discussion of other possible sources of dark matter.
Giunti and Kim, “Fundamentals of Neutrino Physics and Astrophysics”
- Resource Letter ANP-1: Advances in Neutrino Physics by Maury Goodman, American Journal of Physics 84, 907 (2016)
- The Neutrino Matrix, by the Members of the APS Multi-Divisional Neutrino Study
- A good overview on the field of Neutrino Physics from Nov. 2004. A little outdated but still pretty good.
- “Celebrating the Neutrino” from 1997, written during the time when people were trying to figure out whether neutrinos oscillate.
- For the general public (there are many more out there, this is just a sampling)
- Is the neutrino their own antiparticle? by Signe Brewster, Symmetry Magazine
- Nobel Prize in 2015 for the discovery of neutrino oscillation and therefore mass
- “The Hunt for No Neutrinos” a good piece by Jonathan Engel and Petr Vogel on the neutrinoless double beta decay searches.
Antarctica & South Pole
- First search for a dark matter annual modulation signal with NaI(Tl) in the Southern Hemisphere by DM-ICE17 by E. Barbosa de Souza et al.
- Meet the South Pole’s Dark Matter Detective by Matthew Sedacca
- Disputed dark-matter result gets put to the test by Andrew Grant
- Just Chilling: Yale researchers share some of their coldest moments by Jim Shelton
- Celebrating IceCube’s first decade of discovery
- Probing neutrino emission at GeV energies from compact binary mergers with the IceCube Neutrino Observatory by the IceCube Collaboration
- Detection of a particle shower at the Glashow resonance with IceCube by the IceCube Collaboration
Detectors & Experimental Techniques
- Experimental techniques and design
- Basic Research Needs Report on Instrumentation, 2020
- Building Experimental Apparatus by Moore, Davis & Coplan (publisher; Yale library online resource)
- Radiation Detection and Measurement, Knoll
- Introductory Nuclear Physics, Krane
- Scintillators
- PMTs
- Data Acquisition & Electronics
- Low Temperature
- Electronics
- The Art of Electronics by Horowitz and Hill
- Microwave Engineering by David Pozar: a classic textbook on microwave engineering (course description)
- Experimental techniques and design
Computing & Tools
- Basics of what you need to get started at Wright lab from Vincent Balbarin (pdf)
- Yale Center for Research Computing Resources
- Learning to Code
- “Learn Python the Hard Way” (in other words, you have to spend time learning, which is a good thing)
- CS50: the (in)famous Harvard computer science course:
- Carnegie Mellon’s Computer Science Academy:
- CS1: python-based course geared towards 8-12th grades
- 11-115 for higher levels
- Computational Research Access NEtwork (CRANE)
- Simulations
- Geant4: Toolkit for the simulation of the passage of particles through matter.
- Large-Scale Cosmological Simulations:
- Root: Data analysis framework widely used in high energy physics
- Python:
- Linux/Unix
- Git
- What is git and how do I get started?
- Version control with Git
- Wright Lab Git
- GitHub, GibLab, Bitbucket
- Matlab
- Grace
- Particle Data Group: Statistics review section in Review of Particle Physics
- PHYSTAT conference for statistics in particle physics. Great resource.
- A classic by Feldman & Cousins: arXiv:physics/9711021
- Lectures on Statistics in Theory: Prelude to Statistics in Practice by Robert D. Cousins, arXiv:1807.05996
- DMSS: Dark Matter Summer School 2018, lecture by Dr. Alex Himmel “Statistical Methods used in Dark Matter”
- Chi-Squared Data Analysis and Model Testing for Beginners by Witkov and Zengel
Student & Postdoc Fellowships and Funding Opportunities
- For Postdocs
- For Graduate Students
- For Undergraduate Students
- Applying to grad schools
- National/International
- Research Experience for Undergraduate Students (REU), National Science Foundation
- Science Undergraduate Laboratory Internships (SULI) by Department of Energy
- Department of Energy Workforce Development for Teachers and Scientists
- For students at Yale:
- Summary of available fellowships
- Student Fellowships and Grants
- Tetelman Tetelman Fellowship for International Research in the Sciences
- Yale College Dean’s Research Fellowship
- Yale Science Scholars Program
- STARS: Science, Technology and Research Scholars (STARS) Program
- For First years: Yale College First-Year Summer Research Fellowship in the Sciences & Engineering
- Science Undergraduate Laboratory Internships (SULI)
Career and Professional Development
- Students and postdocs:
- Yale Physics Professional Development Organization
- Working Smarter, Not Just Harder: Three Sensible Strategies for Succeeding in College… and Life: Karl W. Reid, EdD
- Faculty
- National Center for Faculty Development & Diversity
- Tomorrow’s Professor Postings
- Students and postdocs:
On Being a Scientist
- Adivce from professionals, and a professional development timeline for Careers in Academia at research/teaching/combination institions, national labs, etc. from California AllianceNational Center for Faculty Development and Diversity
- An independent professional development, training, and mentoring community for graduate students, post-docs, and faculty. An excellent, excellent, resource.
- Tips for writing, reading, time management, making graphs, etc.
- Tomorrow’s Professor
- Dark Matter in the Universe by Vera Rubin
- Resources from AstroBetter - Tips and tricks on computing, analysis tools, career, teaching, project and team management, equity and inclusion, and other useful information. Put together for astronomers but totally applicable for physicists.
- On Writing
- Publish and Flourish: Become a Prolific Scholar by Tara Gray
- Writing your Academic Journal in 12 Weeks by Wendy Laura Belcher
- Scientific Writing and Communication by Angelika H. Hofmann
- Read a lot
Stanford CS230: Deep Learning | Autumn 2018 | Lecture 8 - Career Advice / Reading Research Papers
- Reference letter guide
- For Applicants:
- For Letter Writers:
Anti-Racist Pedagogy with focus on Academia
- One of my favorite pieces: “I wanted to know what white men thought about their privilege. So I asked” by Claudia Rankine
- Anti-racism resources by by Sarah Sophie Flicker, Alyssa Klein in May 2020
- dRworks: Dismantling Racism Works Web Workbook
- APS-IDEA Network: American Physical Society Inclusion Diversity, and Equity Alliance
- Start Talking: A handbook for Engaging Difficult Dialogues in Higher Education
- Teaching to Transgress: Education as the Practice of Freedom by bell hooks
- Superior: the Return of Race Science by Angela Saini
On Gender and Women in Physics
- Yale Women in Physics
- wikiProject:Women Scientists
- Female Scientist Professor Blog (she’s been doing this a long time but still relevant as ever!)
- APS Women in Physics (don’t forget to sign up for their email list!)
- Misc. articles
Resources for BIPOC Physicists
- legal templates